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"Community Seed Pods" Installed!


I am SO pleased to announce that this art installation is now on view at the corner of Anderson Mill Rd. and Olson Dr. in NW Austin, Texas. It is now in the City of Austin Art in Public Places collection, and was commissioned as part of the Anderson Mill Rd. Regional Mobility Project. I have been a resident of this community for over 30 years, and am honored to have been awarded the commission to create art for my neighborhood.

"Community Seed Pods" represents the diverse family life in my community, growth and change, and our love of the natural spaces in our area. The "seeds" represent our neighborhood children, as they are nurtured and grow here, before venturing out into the world.

Over 100 community members helped to create the fused glass "seeds" in workshyops sponsored by Helios Fused Glass Studio ( It is a true community project, by and for our community, and is the first public art in our district in Austin.

An enormous THANK YOU to the installers for this project: Artist and metal worker extraordinaire Sun McColgin, and his partner Brandon. They devised the wooden cage system to install each pod, and problem-solved all day long. It was a VERY long day for all, but they were all safely installed!

Shout outs to Flatfork Studio for the construction of the sculptural forms, Wits End Mosaic, for filling countless reorders of over 70,000 pieces of Mexican smalti, and Laticrete for their very fine mortars and grouts!

The official dedication will be on Saturday, June 24, 2023.

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Nancy Wallace
Nancy Wallace
May 09, 2023

Such an amazing accomplishment! I smile when I drive by beautiful and meaningful.

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