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Seed Pods are being installed soon!


THEY ARE NEARLY READY! I have to shout out to all the fabulous folks who came by the studio to lend a hand with the process. They have been heroes, as we near our installation date later this week.

This installation for Austin Art in Public Places has been an incredible project. "Community Seeds Pods" for the Anderson Mill Mobility Bond Project have grown from ideas on paper to full-fledged, full-sized sculptural mosaics! There are so many pieces to the puzzle of getting from A to Z with a project like this, and it takes TIME, ENERGY and EFFORT!

I've been working nonstop for the last couple months or so, but the last week has been full speed ahead to finish up all of the very time intensive mosaic work and grouting. It is so hard to predict exactly how long it will take, but it does usually take much longer than you expect.

Enjoy these sneak peeks at the nearly ready pods!



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